Thursday, January 13, 2011

To Flow. Control of Time and Space. The Wisdom of Method

It is fundamental to have control of time and space in the inner arts, which will make that each knowledge and technique will completely develop -this is called to Flow, and represents to have reached the goal of the harmonious and continuous movement. The sky and the earth are the best margins of movement -but only with determination, confidence, understanding and discipline, the wisdom of method is reached.

Man is neither strong, nor weak, nor flexible, nor rigid, nor big nor small. Man is what he wants to be, when he can be, all he wants to reach, according to his inner knowledge and the way he expresses it. This science will not be reached, if first, peace is not cultivated, from there, from a serene, balanced mind , the experience will develop and it will continue in the awakening of the fundamental art, which is dominion, control and power, serenity and harmony.

-Art and Teachings to Nourish Your Soul, based on the works of Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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